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The most common way to get to Besullo is from Cangas del Narcea.


To do this, take the CN-1 road, which leaves the town of Cangas, just below the hanging bridge. It is 17 kilometres along a mountain road that crosses the Santa Isabel mountain range and offers fascinating landscapes.


We will reach Besullo in approximately 30-35 minutes.

However, if you are coming from the north or north-west, for example from Pola de Allande, you do not have to go to Cangas. You can take the AS-14 to Linares and there take the turn-off to Besullo, which joins the CN-1 between Parajas and Noceda.


From Tineo, we can choose between going down to the AS-15 to Puente del Infierno, where we turn off onto the AS-14, or taking the AS-217 through the peaks to near Mirallo de Abajo, where we turn off onto the TI-6 to join the AS-14 near El Puelo.

Attention to this...

If you are a group and you come by coach, please note that, due to the conditions of the access road to Besullo, the vehicle CANNOT BE MORE THAN 10 METRES IN TOTAL LENGTH.


Therefore, it is best that your bus company contacts the Local Police of Cangas del Narcea (985 81 38 66) or the local transport company, Bus Narcea (985 81 39 39). They will be able to give you the best indications so that your journey is as smooth as possible.

...and also to this

You can use this link to preview the route from your location to Besullo, but BEWARE! It is not advisable to blindly follow the GPS, because it can take you through narrow roads or roads in worse condition than the ones we have indicated.

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